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Freak Strike
Freak Strike
The kids learn that Talk Shows offer special assistance to grossly disfigured people who appear on their show. They immediatly sign Butters up as a guest with a a strange deformity. With the help of s...
The Ring
The Ring
Thinking it's his way into her heart and other body parts, Kenny takes his new girlfriend to a Jonas Brothers' concert. His dream of taking their relationship to the next level is crushed when the Jon...
Royal Pudding
Royal Pudding
The prince of Canada is about to take a princess and thousands have gathered for the royal wedding. Ike Broflovski is obsessed with it. When they're about to get married, the princess is abducted. All...
Views: 60364
Ms. Garrison's & The Simpsons Theory of Evolution
This clip is Ms.Garrison's thoughts on evolution compared to the Simpsons evolution clip, the South Park part is from "Go God Go" search for that in the search box to see more.
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